#!/usr/bin/python3 # Copyright 2024 Helmut Grohne # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3 """Unshare a cgroup (and user) namespace such that the entire cgroup hierarchy (inside the namespace) becomes writeable to the user. """ import asyncio import contextlib import os import pathlib import sys import typing try: import jeepney.io.asyncio except ImportError: jeepney = None try: import ravel except ImportError: ravel = None if __file__.split("/")[-2:-1] == ["examples"]: sys.path.insert(0, "/".join(__file__.split("/")[:-2])) import linuxnamespaces def get_cgroup(pid: int = -1) -> pathlib.PurePath: """Look up the cgroup that the given pid or the running process belongs to. """ return pathlib.PurePath( pathlib.Path( f"/proc/{pid}/cgroup" if pid > 0 else "/proc/self/cgroup" ).read_text().split(":", 2)[2].strip() ) if jeepney is not None: @contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def jeepney_listen_signal( router: jeepney.io.asyncio.DBusRouter, matchrule: jeepney.MatchRule, ) -> jeepney.io.asyncio.FilterHandle: """Call AddMatch/RemoveMatch on context entry/exit and give filtered queue. """ jeepney.wrappers.unwrap_msg( await router.send_and_get_reply( jeepney.bus_messages.message_bus.AddMatch(matchrule) ), ) try: with router.filter(matchrule) as queue: yield queue finally: jeepney.wrappers.unwrap_msg( await router.send_and_get_reply( jeepney.bus_messages.message_bus.RemoveMatch(matchrule) ), ) async def start_transient_unit_with_jeepney(pid: int) -> None: """Call the StartTransientUnit dbus method on the user manager for the given pid. """ async with ( jeepney.io.asyncio.open_dbus_router() as router, jeepney_listen_signal( router, jeepney.MatchRule( type="signal", interface="org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager", member="JobRemoved", path="/org/freedesktop/systemd1", ), ) as queue, ): (scope_job,) = jeepney.wrappers.unwrap_msg( await router.send_and_get_reply( jeepney.new_method_call( jeepney.DBusAddress( "/org/freedesktop/systemd1", bus_name="org.freedesktop.systemd1", interface="org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager", ), "StartTransientUnit", "ssa(sv)a(sa(sv))", ( f"cgroup-{pid}.scope", "fail", [ ("PIDs", ("au", [pid])), ("Delegate", ("b", True)), ], [], ), ), ), ) loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() deadline = loop.time() + 60 while True: message = jeepney.wrappers.unwrap_msg( await asyncio.wait_for(queue.get(), deadline - loop.time()) ) if message[1] != scope_job: continue if message[3] != "done": raise OSError("StartTransientUnit failed: " + message[3]) return if ravel is not None: class RavelSystemdJobWaiter: """Context manager for waiting for a systemd job to complete. Typical usage: with RavelSystemdJobWaiter(bus) as wait: job = create_a_job_on(bus) result = await wait(job) """ systemd_path = "/org/freedesktop/systemd1" systemd_iface = "org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager" def __init__(self, bus: ravel.Connection): self.bus = bus self.jobs_removed: dict[str, str] = {} self.target_job: str | None = None self.job_done = asyncio.get_running_loop().create_future() @ravel.signal(name="JobRemoved", in_signature="uoss") def _on_job_removed( self, _id: int, path: str, _unit: str, result: str ) -> None: if self.target_job is None: self.jobs_removed[path] = result elif self.target_job == path: self.job_done.set_result(result) def __enter__(self) -> "RavelSystemdJobWaiter": self.bus.listen_signal( self.systemd_path, False, self.systemd_iface, "JobRemoved", self._on_job_removed, ) return self async def __call__(self, job: str, timeout: int | float = 60) -> str: assert self.target_job is None self.target_job = job try: return self.jobs_removed[job] except KeyError: return await asyncio.wait_for(self.job_done, timeout) def __exit__(self, *exc_info: typing.Any) -> None: self.bus.unlisten_signal( self.systemd_path, False, self.systemd_iface, "JobRemoved", self._on_job_removed, ) async def start_transient_unit_with_ravel(pid: int) -> None: """Call the StartTransientUnit dbus method on the user manager for the given pid. """ bus = await ravel.session_bus_async() with RavelSystemdJobWaiter(bus) as wait: scope_job = ( bus["org.freedesktop.systemd1"]["/org/freedesktop/systemd1"] .get_interface("org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager") .StartTransientUnit( f"cgroup-{pid}.scope", "fail", [("PIDs", ("au", [pid])), ("Delegate", ("b", True))], [], ) )[0] result = await wait(scope_job) if result != "done": raise OSError("StartTransientUnit failed: " + result) def main() -> None: mycgroup = get_cgroup() if not os.access( pathlib.Path("/sys/fs/cgroup") / mycgroup.relative_to("/"), os.W_OK, ): # For some shells - notably from graphical desktop environments, the # hierarchy is immediately writeable. For others, we may create a scope # unit. if jeepney is not None: asyncio.run(start_transient_unit_with_jeepney(os.getpid())) mycgroup = get_cgroup() elif ravel is not None: asyncio.run(start_transient_unit_with_ravel(os.getpid())) mycgroup = get_cgroup() else: # Re-execute ourselves via systemd-run. if ( mycgroup.name.startswith("run-") and mycgroup.name.endswith(".scope") ): print( "Error: We're running in a .scope cgroup, but it is not writeable. Giving up." ) sys.exit(1) os.execvp( "systemd-run", [ "systemd-run", "--user", "--scope", "--property", "Delegate=true", *sys.argv, ], ) print("Error: Failed to re-execute myself inside systemd-run.") sys.exit(1) linuxnamespaces.unshare_user_idmap( [linuxnamespaces.IDMapping(os.getuid(), os.getuid(), 1)], [linuxnamespaces.IDMapping(os.getgid(), os.getgid(), 1)], linuxnamespaces.CloneFlags.NEWUSER | linuxnamespaces.CloneFlags.NEWNS | linuxnamespaces.CloneFlags.NEWCGROUP, ) linuxnamespaces.populate_sys("/", "/", mycgroup) os.execlp(os.environ["SHELL"], os.environ["SHELL"]) if __name__ == "__main__": main()