#!/usr/bin/python3 # Copyright 2024 Helmut Grohne # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3 """Extract a given tarball into a temporary location and chroot into it inside a user and mount namespace. """ import argparse import os import pathlib import socket import sys import tarfile import tempfile import typing if __file__.split("/")[-2:-1] == ["examples"]: sys.path.insert(0, "/".join(__file__.split("/")[:-2])) import linuxnamespaces class TarFile(tarfile.TarFile): """Subclass of tarfile.TarFile that can read zstd compressed archives.""" OPEN_METH = {"zst": "zstopen"} | tarfile.TarFile.OPEN_METH @classmethod def zstopen( cls, name: str, mode: typing.Literal["r", "w", "x"] = "r", fileobj: None = None, ) -> tarfile.TarFile: if mode not in ("r", "w", "x"): raise NotImplementedError(f"mode `{mode}' not implemented for zst") if fileobj is not None: raise NotImplementedError("zst does not support a fileobj") try: import zstandard except ImportError: raise tarfile.CompressionError("zstandard module not available") if mode == "r": zfobj = zstandard.open(name, "rb") else: zfobj = zstandard.open( name, mode + "b", cctx=zstandard.ZstdCompressor(write_checksum=True, threads=-1), ) try: tarobj = cls.taropen(name, mode, zfobj) except (OSError, EOFError, zstandard.ZstdError) as exc: zfobj.close() if mode == "r": raise tarfile.ReadError("not a zst file") from exc raise except: zfobj.close() raise tarobj._extfileobj = False return tarobj def get_comptype(self) -> str: """Return the compression type used to compress the opened TarFile.""" # The tarfile module does not expose the compression method selected # for open mode "r:*" in any way. We can guess it from the module that # implements the fileobj. compmodule = self.fileobj.__class__.__module__ try: return { "bz2": "bz2", "gzip": "gz", "lzma": "xz", "_io": "tar", "zstd": "zst", }[compmodule] except KeyError: raise ValueError(f"cannot guess comptype for module {compmodule}") def main() -> None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "--save", action="store_true", help="save and replace the tarball at the end of the session", ) parser.add_argument( "basetar", type=pathlib.Path, action="store", help="location of the tarball containing the chroot", ) parser.add_argument( "command", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="command to run inside the chroot", ) args = parser.parse_args() assert args.basetar.exists() uidmap = linuxnamespaces.IDAllocation.loadsubid("uid").allocatemap(65536) gidmap = linuxnamespaces.IDAllocation.loadsubid("gid").allocatemap(65536) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tdir: parentsock, childsock = socket.socketpair() pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: parentsock.close() with TarFile.open(args.basetar, "r:*") as tarf: os.chdir(tdir) linuxnamespaces.unshare( linuxnamespaces.CloneFlags.NEWUSER | linuxnamespaces.CloneFlags.NEWNS ) childsock.send(tarf.get_comptype().encode("ascii") + b"\0") childsock.recv(1) childsock.close() os.setreuid(0, 0) os.setregid(0, 0) os.setgroups([]) for tmem in tarf: if tmem.name.removeprefix("./").startswith("dev/"): continue tarf.extract(tmem, numeric_owner=True) linuxnamespaces.bind_mount(".", "/mnt", recursive=True) os.chdir("/mnt") linuxnamespaces.bind_mount("/proc", "proc", recursive=True) linuxnamespaces.bind_mount("/sys", "sys", recursive=True) linuxnamespaces.populate_dev("/", ".", pidns=False, tun=False) linuxnamespaces.pivot_root(".", ".") linuxnamespaces.umount(".", linuxnamespaces.UmountFlags.DETACH) if args.command: os.execvp(args.command[0], args.command) else: os.execlp(os.environ["SHELL"], os.environ["SHELL"]) os._exit(1) childsock.close() comptype = parentsock.recv(10).split(b"\0", 1)[0].decode("ascii") linuxnamespaces.newidmaps(pid, [uidmap], [gidmap]) linuxnamespaces.unshare_user_idmap( [uidmap, linuxnamespaces.IDMapping(65536, os.getuid(), 1)], [gidmap, linuxnamespaces.IDMapping(65536, os.getgid(), 1)], ) os.chown(tdir, 0, 0) os.chmod(tdir, 0o755) parentsock.send(b"\0") parentsock.close() _, ret = os.waitpid(pid, 0) if args.save and ret == 0: tmptar = f"{args.basetar}.new" try: with TarFile.open(tmptar, "x:" + comptype) as tout: tout.add(tdir, ".") os.rename(tmptar, args.basetar) except: os.unlink(tmptar) raise sys.exit(ret) if __name__ == "__main__": main()