__all__ = [] class AuthenticationRequired(Exception): """ Internal Exception class that is thrown inside L{AuthenticationMiddleware}, but not visible to other code. """ class ProtocolViolation(AuthenticationRequired): pass class AuthenticationMiddleware(object): """Base class for HTTP authorization schemes. @cvar authorization_method: the implemented Authorization method. It will be verified against Authorization headers. Subclasses must define this attribute. @type authorization_method: str """ authorization_method = None def __init__(self, app): """ @param app: is a WSGI application. """ assert self.authorization_method is not None self.app = app def authenticate(self, auth, environ): """Try to authenticate a request. The Authorization header is examined and checked agains the L{authorization_method} before being passed to this method. This method must either raise an AuthenticationRequired instance or return a dictionary explaining what was successfully authenticated. @type auth: str @param auth: is the part of the Authorization header after the method @type environ: {str: object} @param environ: is the environment passed with a WSGI request @rtype: {str: object} @returns: a dictionary that provides a key "user" listing the authenticated username as a string. It may also provide the key "outheaders" with a [(str, str)] value to extend the response headers. @raises AuthenticationRequired: if the authentication was unsuccessful """ raise NotImplementedError def __call__(self, environ, start_response): """wsgi interface @type environ: {str: object} """ assert isinstance(environ, dict) try: try: auth = environ["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"] except KeyError: raise AuthenticationRequired("no Authorization header found") try: method, rest = auth.split(' ', 1) except ValueError: method, rest = auth, "" if method.lower() != self.authorization_method: raise AuthenticationRequired( "authorization method not implemented: %r" % method) result = self.authenticate(rest, environ) except AuthenticationRequired, exc: return self.authorization_required(environ, start_response, exc) assert isinstance(result, dict) assert "user" in result environ["REMOTE_USER"] = result["user"] if "outheaders" in result: def modified_start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None): assert isinstance(headers, list) headers.extend(result["outheaders"]) return start_response(status, headers, exc_info) else: modified_start_response = start_response return self.app(environ, modified_start_response) def www_authenticate(self, exception): """Generates a WWW-Authenticate header. Subclasses must implement this method. @type exception: L{AuthenticationRequired} @param exception: reason for generating the header @rtype: (str, str) @returns: the header as (part_before_colon, part_after_colon) """ raise NotImplementedError def authorization_required(self, environ, start_response, exception): """Generate an error page after failed authentication. Apart from the exception parameter, this method behaves like a WSGI application. @type exception: L{AuthenticationRequired} @param exception: reason for the authentication failure """ status = "401 Authorization required" html = "401 Authorization required" \ "

401 Authorization required

" headers = [("Content-Type", "text/html"), self.www_authenticate(exception), ("Content-Length", str(len(html)))] start_response(status, headers) if environ["REQUEST_METHOD"].upper() == "HEAD": return [] return [html]