""" This module contains an C{AuthDigestMiddleware} for authenticating HTTP requests using the method described in RFC2617. The credentials are to be provided using an C{AuthTokenGenerator} or a compatible instance. Furthermore digest authentication has to preserve some state across requests, more specifically nonces. There are three different C{NonceStoreBase} implementations for different needs. While the C{StatelessNonceStore} has minimal requirements it only prevents replay attacks in a limited way. If the WSGI server uses threading or a single process the C{MemoryNonceStore} can be used. If that is not possible the nonces can be stored in a DBAPI2 compatible database using C{DBAPI2NonceStore}. """ __all__ = [] import base64 import hashlib import time import os try: from secrets import randbits, compare_digest except ImportError: import random sysrand = random.SystemRandom() randbits = sysrand.getrandbits def compare_digest(a: str, b: str) -> bool: return a == b import sys import typing from wsgitools.internal import bytes2str, Environ, str2bytes, textopen, WsgiApp from wsgitools.authentication import AuthenticationRequired, \ ProtocolViolation, AuthenticationMiddleware def md5hex(data: str) -> str: return hashlib.md5(str2bytes(data)).hexdigest() def gen_rand_str(bytesentropy: int = 33) -> str: """ Generates a string of random base64 characters. @param bytesentropy: is the number of random 8bit values to be used >>> gen_rand_str() != gen_rand_str() True """ randnum = randbits(bytesentropy*8) randbytes = (b"%%0%dX" % (2*bytesentropy)) % randnum randbytes = base64.b16decode(randbytes) randbytes = base64.b64encode(randbytes) randstr = bytes2str(randbytes) return randstr def parse_digest_response(data: str) -> typing.Dict[str, str]: """internal @raises ValueError: >>> parse_digest_response('foo=bar') {'foo': 'bar'} >>> parse_digest_response('foo="bar"') {'foo': 'bar'} >>> sorted(parse_digest_response('foo="bar=qux",spam=egg').items()) [('foo', 'bar=qux'), ('spam', 'egg')] >>> try: ... parse_digest_response('spam') ... except ValueError: ... print("ValueError") ValueError >>> try: ... parse_digest_response('spam="egg"error') ... except ValueError: ... print("ValueError") ValueError >>> # backslashes: doc string, eval => two backslashes >>> parse_digest_response('backslash="\\\\\\\\"') {'backslash': '\\\\'} >>> parse_digest_response('foo="quo\\\\"te"') {'foo': 'quo"te'} """ assert isinstance(data, str) result = dict() while True: data = data.strip() key, data = data.split('=', 1) # raises ValueError if data.startswith('"'): data = data[1:] value = "" while True: part, data = data.split('"', 1) # raises ValueError # how many consecutive backslashes did we see? escape = -1 # the first iteration does not indicate a backslash for part in part.split('\\'): escape += 1 # backslash before part if escape > 2: value += "\\" escape -= 2 if part: escape = 0 value += part if escape == 2: value += "\\" elif escape == 1: value += '"' continue break result[key] = value if not data: return result if data[0] != ",": raise ValueError("invalid digest response") data = data[1:] else: if ',' not in data: result[key] = data return result value, data = data.split(',', 1) result[key] = value def format_digest(mapping: typing.Dict[str, typing.Tuple[str, bool]]) -> str: """internal @param mapping: a mapping of keys to values and a boolean that determines whether the value needs quoting. @note: the RFC specifies which values must be quoted and which must not be quoted. """ assert isinstance(mapping, dict) result = [] for key, (value, needsquoting) in mapping.items(): assert isinstance(key, str) assert isinstance(value, str) if needsquoting: value = '"%s"' % value.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"') else: assert '"' not in value assert ',' not in value result.append("%s=%s" % (key, value)) return ", ".join(result) class StaleNonce(AuthenticationRequired): pass __all__.append("AbstractTokenGenerator") class AbstractTokenGenerator: """Interface class for generating authentication tokens for L{AuthDigestMiddleware}. @ivar realm: is a string according to RFC2617. """ realm: str def __init__(self, realm: str): assert isinstance(realm, str) self.realm = realm def __call__( self, username: str, algo: str = "md5" ) -> typing.Optional[str]: """Generates an authentication token from a username. @param algo: currently the only value supported by L{AuthDigestMiddleware} is "md5" @returns: a valid token or None to signal that authentication should fail """ raise NotImplementedError def check_password( self, username: str, password: str, environ: typing.Optional[Environ] = None, ) -> bool: """ This function implements the interface for verifying passwords used by L{BasicAuthMiddleware}. It works by computing a token from the user and comparing it to the token returned by the __call__ method. @param environ: ignored """ assert isinstance(username, str) assert isinstance(password, str) token = "%s:%s:%s" % (username, self.realm, password) expected = self(username) if expected is None: return False return compare_digest(md5hex(token), expected) if sys.version_info >= (3, 11): class TokenGenerator(typing.Protocol): realm: str def __call__( self, username: str, algo: str = "md5" ) -> typing.Optional[str]: ... else: TokenGenerator = typing.Callable[[str, str], typing.Optional[str]] __all__.append("AuthTokenGenerator") class AuthTokenGenerator(AbstractTokenGenerator): """Generates authentication tokens for L{AuthDigestMiddleware}. The interface consists of beeing callable with a username and having a realm attribute being a string.""" def __init__( self, realm: str, getpass: typing.Callable[[str], typing.Optional[str]] ): """ @param realm: is a string according to RFC2617. @param getpass: this function is called with a username and password is expected as result. C{None} may be used as an invalid password. An example for getpass would be C{{username: password}.get}. """ AbstractTokenGenerator.__init__(self, realm) self.getpass = getpass def __call__( self, username: str, algo: str = "md5" ) -> typing.Optional[str]: assert isinstance(username, str) assert algo.lower() in ["md5", "md5-sess"] password = self.getpass(username) if password is None: return None a1 = "%s:%s:%s" % (username, self.realm, password) return md5hex(a1) __all__.append("HtdigestTokenGenerator") class HtdigestTokenGenerator(AbstractTokenGenerator): """Reads authentication tokens for L{AuthDigestMiddleware} from an apache htdigest file. """ users: typing.Dict[str, str] def __init__( self, realm: str, htdigestfile: str, ignoreparseerrors: bool = False ): """ @param htdigestfile: path to the .htdigest file @param ignoreparseerrors: passed to readhtdigest @raises IOError: @raises ValueError: """ AbstractTokenGenerator.__init__(self, realm) self.users = {} self.readhtdigest(htdigestfile, ignoreparseerrors) def readhtdigest( self, htdigestfile: str, ignoreparseerrors: bool = False ) -> None: """ @param ignoreparseerrors: do not raise ValueErrors for bad files @raises IOError: @raises ValueError: """ assert isinstance(htdigestfile, str) self.users = {} with textopen(htdigestfile, "r") as htdigest: for line in htdigest: parts = line.rstrip("\n").split(":") if len(parts) != 3: if ignoreparseerrors: continue raise ValueError("invalid number of colons in htdigest file") user, realm, token = parts if realm != self.realm: continue if user in self.users and not ignoreparseerrors: raise ValueError("duplicate user in htdigest file") self.users[user] = token def __call__(self, user: str, algo: str = "md5") -> typing.Optional[str]: assert algo.lower() in ["md5", "md5-sess"] return self.users.get(user) __all__.append("UpdatingHtdigestTokenGenerator") class UpdatingHtdigestTokenGenerator(HtdigestTokenGenerator): """Behaves like L{HtdigestTokenGenerator}, checks the htdigest file for changes on each invocation. """ def __init__( self, realm: str, htdigestfile: str, ignoreparseerrors: bool = False ): assert isinstance(htdigestfile, str) # Need to stat the file before calling parent ctor to detect # modifications. try: self.statcache = os.stat(htdigestfile) except OSError as err: raise IOError(str(err)) HtdigestTokenGenerator.__init__(self, realm, htdigestfile, ignoreparseerrors) self.htdigestfile = htdigestfile self.ignoreparseerrors = ignoreparseerrors def __call__(self, user: str, algo: str = "md5") -> typing.Optional[str]: # The interface does not permit raising exceptions, so all we can do is # fail by returning None. try: statcache = os.stat(self.htdigestfile) except OSError: return None if self.statcache != statcache: try: self.readhtdigest(self.htdigestfile, self.ignoreparseerrors) except IOError: return None except ValueError: return None return HtdigestTokenGenerator.__call__(self, user, algo) __all__.append("NonceStoreBase") class NonceStoreBase: """Nonce storage interface.""" def __init__(self) -> None: pass def newnonce(self, ident: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> str: """ This method is to be overriden and should return new nonces. @param ident: is an identifier to be associated with this nonce """ raise NotImplementedError def checknonce( self, nonce: str, count: int = 1, ident: typing.Optional[str] = None ) -> bool: """ This method is to be overridden and should do a check for whether the given nonce is valid as being used count times. @param count: indicates how often the nonce has been used (including this check) @param ident: it is also checked that the nonce was associated to this identifier when given """ raise NotImplementedError def format_time(seconds: float) -> str: """ internal method formatting a unix time to a fixed-length string """ # the overflow will happen about 2112 return "%013X" % int(seconds * 1000000) __all__.append("StatelessNonceStore") class StatelessNonceStore(NonceStoreBase): """ This is a stateless nonce storage that cannot check the usage count for a nonce and thus cannot protect against replay attacks. It however can make it difficult by posing a timeout on nonces and making it difficult to forge nonces. This nonce store is usable with L{scgi.forkpool}. >>> s = StatelessNonceStore() >>> n = s.newnonce() >>> s.checknonce("spam") False >>> s.checknonce(n) True >>> s.checknonce(n) True >>> s.checknonce(n.rsplit(':', 1)[0] + "bad hash") False """ def __init__(self, maxage: int = 300, secret: typing.Optional[str] = None): """ @param maxage: is the number of seconds a nonce may be valid. Choosing a large value may result in more memory usage whereas a smaller value results in more requests. Defaults to 5 minutes. @param secret: if not given, a secret is generated and is therefore shared after forks. Knowing this secret permits creating nonces. """ NonceStoreBase.__init__(self) self.maxage = maxage if secret: self.server_secret = secret else: self.server_secret = gen_rand_str() def newnonce(self, ident: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Generates a new nonce string.""" nonce_time = format_time(time.time()) nonce_value = gen_rand_str() token = "%s:%s:%s" % (nonce_time, nonce_value, self.server_secret) if ident is not None: token = "%s:%s" % (token, ident) token = md5hex(token) return "%s:%s:%s" % (nonce_time, nonce_value, token) def checknonce( self, nonce: str, count: int = 1, ident: typing.Optional[str] = None ) -> bool: """Check whether the provided string is a nonce.""" if count != 1: return False try: nonce_time, nonce_value, nonce_hash = nonce.split(':') except ValueError: return False token = "%s:%s:%s" % (nonce_time, nonce_value, self.server_secret) if ident is not None: token = "%s:%s" % (token, ident) token = md5hex(token) if token != nonce_hash: return False if nonce_time < format_time(time.time() - self.maxage): return False return True __all__.append("MemoryNonceStore") class MemoryNonceStore(NonceStoreBase): """ Simple in-memory mechanism to store nonces. >>> s = MemoryNonceStore(maxuses=1) >>> n = s.newnonce() >>> s.checknonce("spam") False >>> s.checknonce(n) True >>> s.checknonce(n) False >>> n = s.newnonce() >>> s.checknonce(n.rsplit(':', 1)[0] + "bad hash") False """ nonces: typing.List[typing.Tuple[str, str, int]] def __init__(self, maxage: int = 300, maxuses: int = 5): """ @param maxage: is the number of seconds a nonce may be valid. Choosing a large value may result in more memory usage whereas a smaller value results in more requests. Defaults to 5 minutes. @param maxuses: is the number of times a nonce may be used (with different nc values). A value of 1 makes nonces usable exactly once resulting in more requests. Defaults to 5. """ NonceStoreBase.__init__(self) self.maxage = maxage self.maxuses = maxuses self.nonces = [] # [(creation_time, nonce_value, useage_count)] # as [(str (hex encoded), str, int)] self.server_secret = gen_rand_str() def _cleanup(self) -> None: """internal methods cleaning list of valid nonces""" old = format_time(time.time() - self.maxage) while self.nonces and self.nonces[0][0] < old: self.nonces.pop(0) def newnonce(self, ident: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Generates a new nonce string.""" self._cleanup() # avoid growing self.nonces nonce_time = format_time(time.time()) nonce_value = gen_rand_str() self.nonces.append((nonce_time, nonce_value, 1)) token = "%s:%s:%s" % (nonce_time, nonce_value, self.server_secret) if ident is not None: token = "%s:%s" % (token, ident) token = md5hex(token) return "%s:%s:%s" % (nonce_time, nonce_value, token) def checknonce( self, nonce: str, count: int = 1, ident: typing.Optional[str] = None ) -> bool: """ Do a check for whether the provided string is a nonce and increase usage count on returning True. """ try: nonce_time, nonce_value, nonce_hash = nonce.split(':') except ValueError: return False token = "%s:%s:%s" % (nonce_time, nonce_value, self.server_secret) if ident is not None: token = "%s:%s" % (token, ident) token = md5hex(token) if token != nonce_hash: return False self._cleanup() # avoid stale nonces # searching nonce_time lower, upper = 0, len(self.nonces) - 1 while lower < upper: mid = (lower + upper) // 2 if nonce_time <= self.nonces[mid][0]: upper = mid else: lower = mid + 1 if len(self.nonces) <= lower: return False (nt, nv, uses) = self.nonces[lower] if nt != nonce_time or nv != nonce_value: return False if count != uses: del self.nonces[lower] return False if uses >= self.maxuses: del self.nonces[lower] else: self.nonces[lower] = (nt, nv, uses+1) return True __all__.append("LazyDBAPI2Opener") class LazyDBAPI2Opener: """ Connects to database on first request. Otherwise it behaves like a dbapi2 connection. This may be usefull in combination with L{scgi.forkpool}, because this way each worker child opens a new database connection when the first request is to be answered. """ _function: typing.Optional[typing.Callable[..., typing.Any]] def __init__( self, function: typing.Callable[..., typing.Any], *args, **kwargs, ): """ The database will be connected on the first method call. This is done by calling the given function with the remaining parameters. @param function: is the function that connects to the database """ self._function = function self._args: typing.Optional[typing.Tuple[typing.Any, ...]] = args self._kwargs: typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]] = kwargs self._dbhandle = None def _getdbhandle(self) -> typing.Any: """Returns an open database connection. Open if necessary.""" if self._dbhandle is None: assert self._function is not None assert self._args is not None assert self._kwargs is not None self._dbhandle = self._function(*self._args, **self._kwargs) self._function = self._args = self._kwargs = None return self._dbhandle def cursor(self): """dbapi2""" return self._getdbhandle().cursor() def commit(self): """dbapi2""" return self._getdbhandle().commit() def rollback(self): """dbapi2""" return self._getdbhandle().rollback() def close(self): """dbapi2""" return self._getdbhandle().close() __all__.append("DBAPI2NonceStore") class DBAPI2NonceStore(NonceStoreBase): """ A dbapi2-backed nonce store implementation suitable for usage with forking wsgi servers such as L{scgi.forkpool}. >>> import sqlite3 >>> db = sqlite3.connect(":memory:") >>> db.cursor().execute("CREATE TABLE nonces (key, value);") and None >>> db.commit() and None >>> s = DBAPI2NonceStore(db, maxuses=1) >>> n = s.newnonce() >>> s.checknonce("spam") False >>> s.checknonce(n) True >>> s.checknonce(n) False >>> n = s.newnonce() >>> s.checknonce(n.rsplit(':', 1)[0] + "bad hash") False """ def __init__( self, dbhandle, maxage: int = 300, maxuses: int = 5, table="nonces" ): """ @param dbhandle: is a dbapi2 connection @param maxage: is the number of seconds a nonce may be valid. Choosing a large value may result in more memory usage whereas a smaller value results in more requests. Defaults to 5 minutes. @param maxuses: is the number of times a nonce may be used (with different nc values). A value of 1 makes nonces usable exactly once resulting in more requests. Defaults to 5. """ NonceStoreBase.__init__(self) self.dbhandle = dbhandle self.maxage = maxage self.maxuses = maxuses self.table = table self.server_secret = gen_rand_str() def _cleanup(self, cur) -> None: """internal methods cleaning list of valid nonces""" old = format_time(time.time() - self.maxage) cur.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE key < '%s:';" % (self.table, old)) def newnonce(self, ident: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Generates a new nonce string.""" nonce_time = format_time(time.time()) nonce_value = gen_rand_str() dbkey = "%s:%s" % (nonce_time, nonce_value) cur = self.dbhandle.cursor() self._cleanup(cur) # avoid growing database cur.execute("INSERT INTO %s VALUES ('%s', '1');" % (self.table, dbkey)) self.dbhandle.commit() token = "%s:%s" % (dbkey, self.server_secret) if ident is not None: token = "%s:%s" % (token, ident) token = md5hex(token) return "%s:%s:%s" % (nonce_time, nonce_value, token) def checknonce( self, nonce: str, count: int = 1, ident: typing.Optional[str] = None ) -> bool: """ Do a check for whether the provided string is a nonce and increase usage count on returning True. """ try: nonce_time, nonce_value, nonce_hash = nonce.split(':') except ValueError: return False # use bytes.isalnum to avoid locale specific interpretation if not str2bytes(nonce_time).isalnum() or \ not str2bytes(nonce_value.replace("+", "").replace("/", "") \ .replace("=", "")).isalnum(): return False token = "%s:%s:%s" % (nonce_time, nonce_value, self.server_secret) if ident is not None: token = "%s:%s" % (token, ident) token = md5hex(token) if token != nonce_hash: return False if nonce_time < format_time(time.time() - self.maxage): return False cur = self.dbhandle.cursor() #self._cleanup(cur) # avoid growing database dbkey = "%s:%s" % (nonce_time, nonce_value) cur.execute("SELECT value FROM %s WHERE key = '%s';" % (self.table, dbkey)) uses = cur.fetchone() if uses is None: self.dbhandle.commit() return False uses = int(uses[0]) if count != uses: cur.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE key = '%s';" % (self.table, dbkey)) self.dbhandle.commit() return False if uses >= self.maxuses: cur.execute("DELETE FROM %s WHERE key = '%s';" % (self.table, dbkey)) else: cur.execute("UPDATE %s SET value = '%d' WHERE key = '%s';" % (self.table, uses + 1, dbkey)) self.dbhandle.commit() return True def check_uri(credentials: typing.Dict[str, str], environ: Environ) -> None: """internal method for verifying the uri credential @raises AuthenticationRequired: """ # Doing this by stripping known parts from the passed uri field # until something trivial remains, as the uri cannot be # reconstructed from the environment exactly. try: uri = credentials["uri"] except KeyError: raise ProtocolViolation("uri missing in client credentials") if environ.get("QUERY_STRING"): if not uri.endswith(environ["QUERY_STRING"]): raise AuthenticationRequired("url mismatch") uri = uri[:-len(environ["QUERY_STRING"])] if environ.get("SCRIPT_NAME"): if not uri.startswith(environ["SCRIPT_NAME"]): raise AuthenticationRequired("url mismatch") uri = uri[len(environ["SCRIPT_NAME"]):] path_info = environ.get("PATH_INFO") if path_info: if uri.startswith(path_info): uri = uri[len(path_info):] elif path_info.startswith("/") and uri.startswith(path_info[1:]): uri = uri[len(path_info)-1:] else: raise AuthenticationRequired("url mismatch") if uri not in ('', '?'): raise AuthenticationRequired("url mismatch") __all__.append("AuthDigestMiddleware") class AuthDigestMiddleware(AuthenticationMiddleware): """Middleware partly implementing RFC2617. (md5-sess was omited) Upon successful authentication the environ dict will be extended by a REMOTE_USER key before being passed to the wrapped application.""" authorization_method = "digest" algorithms = {"md5": md5hex} noncestore: NonceStoreBase def __init__( self, app: WsgiApp, gentoken: TokenGenerator, maxage: int = 300, maxuses: int = 5, store: typing.Optional[NonceStoreBase] = None, ): """ @param app: is the wsgi application to be served with authentication. @param gentoken: has to have the same functionality and interface as the L{AuthTokenGenerator} class. @param maxage: deprecated, see L{MemoryNonceStore} or L{StatelessNonceStore} and pass an instance to store @param maxuses: deprecated, see L{MemoryNonceStore} and pass an instance to store @param store: a nonce storage implementation object. Usage of this parameter will override maxage and maxuses. """ AuthenticationMiddleware.__init__(self, app) self.gentoken = gentoken if store is None: self.noncestore = MemoryNonceStore(maxage, maxuses) else: assert hasattr(store, "newnonce") assert hasattr(store, "checknonce") self.noncestore = store def authenticate(self, auth: str, environ: Environ) -> Environ: assert isinstance(auth, str) try: credentials = parse_digest_response(auth) except ValueError: raise ProtocolViolation("failed to parse digest response") ### Check algorithm field credentials["algorithm"] = credentials.get("algorithm", "md5").lower() if not credentials["algorithm"] in self.algorithms: raise ProtocolViolation("algorithm not implemented: %r" % credentials["algorithm"]) check_uri(credentials, environ) try: nonce = credentials["nonce"] credresponse = credentials["response"] except KeyError as err: raise ProtocolViolation("%s missing in credentials" % err.args[0]) noncecount = 1 if "qop" in credentials: if credentials["qop"] != "auth": raise ProtocolViolation("unimplemented qop: %r" % credentials["qop"]) try: noncecount = int(credentials["nc"], 16) except KeyError: raise ProtocolViolation("nc missing in qop=auth") except ValueError: raise ProtocolViolation("non hexdigit found in nonce count") # raises AuthenticationRequired response = self.auth_response(credentials, environ["REQUEST_METHOD"]) if not self.noncestore.checknonce(nonce, noncecount): raise StaleNonce() if response is None or response != credresponse: raise AuthenticationRequired("wrong response") digest = dict(nextnonce=(self.noncestore.newnonce(), True)) if "qop" in credentials: digest["qop"] = ("auth", False) digest["cnonce"] = (credentials["cnonce"], True) # no KeyError digest["rspauth"] = (self.auth_response(credentials, ""), True) return dict(user=credentials["username"], outheaders=[("Authentication-Info", format_digest(digest))]) def auth_response( self, credentials: typing.Dict[str, str], reqmethod: str ) -> typing.Optional[str]: """internal method generating authentication tokens @raises AuthenticationRequired: """ try: username = credentials["username"] algo = credentials["algorithm"] uri = credentials["uri"] except KeyError as err: raise ProtocolViolation("%s missing in credentials" % err.args[0]) try: dig = [credentials["nonce"]] except KeyError: raise ProtocolViolation("missing nonce in credentials") qop = credentials.get("qop") if qop is not None: if qop != "auth": raise AuthenticationRequired("unimplemented qop: %r" % qop) try: dig.append(credentials["nc"]) dig.append(credentials["cnonce"]) except KeyError as err: raise ProtocolViolation( "missing %s in credentials with qop=auth" % err.args[0]) dig.append(qop) dig.append(self.algorithms[algo]("%s:%s" % (reqmethod, uri))) try: a1h = self.gentoken(username, algo) except TypeError: a1h = self.gentoken(username) if a1h is None: return None # delay the error for a nonexistent user dig.insert(0, a1h) return self.algorithms[algo](":".join(dig)) def www_authenticate( self, exception: AuthenticationRequired ) -> typing.Tuple[str, str]: digest = dict(nonce=(self.noncestore.newnonce(), True), realm=(self.gentoken.realm, True), algorithm=("MD5", False), qop=("auth", False)) if isinstance(exception, StaleNonce): digest["stale"] = ("TRUE", False) challenge = format_digest(digest) return ("WWW-Authenticate", "Digest %s" % challenge)