""" This module contains a generic way to create middelwares that filter data. The work is mainly done by the L{WSGIFilterMiddleware} class. One can write filters by extending the L{BaseWSGIFilter} class and passing this class (not an instance) to the L{WSGIFilterMiddleware} constructor. """ __all__ = [] import sys import time import gzip import io from wsgitools.internal import str2bytes __all__.append("CloseableIterator") class CloseableIterator: """Concatenating iterator with close attribute.""" def __init__(self, close_function, *iterators): """If close_function is not C{None}, it will be the C{close} attribute of the created iterator object. Further parameters specify iterators that are to be concatenated. @type close_function: a function or C{None} """ if close_function is not None: self.close = close_function self.iterators = list(map(iter, iterators)) def __iter__(self): """iterator interface @rtype: gen() """ return self def __next__(self): """iterator interface""" if not self.iterators: raise StopIteration try: return next(self.iterators[0]) except StopIteration: self.iterators.pop(0) return next(self) __all__.append("CloseableList") class CloseableList(list): """A list with a close attribute.""" def __init__(self, close_function, *args): """If close_function is not C{None}, it will be the C{close} attribute of the created list object. Other parameters are passed to the list constructor. @type close_function: a function or C{None} """ if close_function is not None: self.close = close_function list.__init__(self, *args) def __iter__(self): """iterator interface""" return CloseableIterator(getattr(self, "close", None), list.__iter__(self)) __all__.append("BaseWSGIFilter") class BaseWSGIFilter: """Generic WSGI filter class to be used with L{WSGIFilterMiddleware}. For each request a filter object gets created. The environment is then passed through L{filter_environ}. Possible exceptions are filtered by L{filter_exc_info}. After that for each C{(header, value)} tuple L{filter_header} is used. The resulting list is filtered through L{filter_headers}. Any data is filtered through L{filter_data}. In order to possibly append data the L{append_data} method is invoked. When the request has finished L{handle_close} is invoked. All methods do not modify the passed data by default. Passing the L{BaseWSGIFilter} class to a L{WSGIFilterMiddleware} will result in not modifying requests at all. """ def __init__(self): """This constructor does nothing and can safely be overwritten. It is only listed here to document that it must be callable without additional parameters.""" def filter_environ(self, environ): """Receives a dict with the environment passed to the wsgi application and a C{dict} must be returned. The default is to return the same dict. @type environ: {str: str} @rtype: {str: str} """ return environ def filter_exc_info(self, exc_info): """Receives either C{None} or a tuple passed as third argument to C{start_response} from the wrapped wsgi application. Either C{None} or such a tuple must be returned.""" return exc_info def filter_status(self, status): """Receives a status string passed as first argument to C{start_response} from the wrapped wsgi application. A valid HTTP status string must be returned. @type status: str @rtype: str """ return status def filter_header(self, headername, headervalue): """This function is invoked for each C{(headername, headervalue)} tuple in the second argument to the C{start_response} from the wrapped wsgi application. Such a value or C{None} for discarding the header must be returned. @type headername: str @type headervalue: str @rtype: (str, str) """ return (headername, headervalue) def filter_headers(self, headers): """A list of headers passed as the second argument to the C{start_response} from the wrapped wsgi application is passed to this function and such a list must also be returned. @type headers: [(str, str)] @rtype: [(str, str)] """ return headers def filter_data(self, data): """For each string that is either written by the C{write} callable or returned from the wrapped wsgi application this method is invoked. It must return a string. @type data: bytes @rtype: bytes """ return data def append_data(self): """This function can be used to append data to the response. A list of strings or some kind of iterable yielding strings has to be returned. The default is to return an empty list. @rtype: gen([bytes]) """ return [] def handle_close(self): """This method is invoked after the request has finished.""" __all__.append("WSGIFilterMiddleware") class WSGIFilterMiddleware: """This wsgi middleware can be used with specialized L{BaseWSGIFilter}s to modify wsgi requests and/or reponses.""" def __init__(self, app, filterclass): """ @param app: is a wsgi application. @type filterclass: L{BaseWSGIFilter}s subclass @param filterclass: is a subclass of L{BaseWSGIFilter} or some class that implements the interface.""" self.app = app self.filterclass = filterclass def __call__(self, environ, start_response): """wsgi interface @type environ: {str, str} @rtype: gen([bytes]) """ assert isinstance(environ, dict) reqfilter = self.filterclass() environ = reqfilter.filter_environ(environ) def modified_start_response(status, headers, exc_info=None): assert isinstance(status, str) assert isinstance(headers, list) exc_info = reqfilter.filter_exc_info(exc_info) status = reqfilter.filter_status(status) headers = (reqfilter.filter_header(h, v) for h, v in headers) headers = [h for h in headers if h] headers = reqfilter.filter_headers(headers) write = start_response(status, headers, exc_info) def modified_write(data): write(reqfilter.filter_data(data)) return modified_write ret = self.app(environ, modified_start_response) assert hasattr(ret, "__iter__") def modified_close(): reqfilter.handle_close() getattr(ret, "close", lambda:0)() if isinstance(ret, list): return CloseableList(modified_close, list(map(reqfilter.filter_data, ret)) + list(reqfilter.append_data())) ret = iter(ret) def late_append_data(): """Invoke C{reqfilter.append_data()} after C{filter_data()} has seen all data.""" for data in reqfilter.append_data(): yield data return CloseableIterator(modified_close, (reqfilter.filter_data(data) for data in ret), late_append_data()) # Using map and lambda here since pylint cannot handle list comprehension in # default arguments. Also note that neither ' nor " are considered printable. # For escape_string to be reversible \ is also not considered printable. def escape_string(string, replacer=list(map( lambda i: chr(i) if str2bytes(chr(i)).isalnum() or chr(i) in '!#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~ ' else r"\x%2.2x" % i, range(256)))): """Encodes non-printable characters in a string using \\xXX escapes. @type string: str @rtype: str """ return "".join(replacer[ord(char)] for char in string) __all__.append("RequestLogWSGIFilter") class RequestLogWSGIFilter(BaseWSGIFilter): """This filter logs all requests in the apache log file format.""" @classmethod def creator(cls, log, flush=True): """Returns a function creating L{RequestLogWSGIFilter}s on given log file. log has to be a file-like object. @type log: file-like @param log: elements of type str are written to the log. That means in Py3.X the contents are decoded and in Py2.X the log is assumed to be encoded in latin1. This follows the spirit of WSGI. @type flush: bool @param flush: if True, invoke the flush method on log after each write invocation """ return lambda:cls(log, flush) def __init__(self, log=sys.stdout, flush=True): """ @type log: file-like @type flush: bool @param flush: if True, invoke the flush method on log after each write invocation """ BaseWSGIFilter.__init__(self) assert hasattr(log, "write") assert hasattr(log, "flush") or not flush self.log = log self.flush = flush self.remote = "?" self.user = "-" self.time = time.strftime("%d/%b/%Y:%T %z") self.reqmethod = "" self.path = "" self.proto = None self.status = "" self.length = 0 self.referrer = None self.useragent = None def filter_environ(self, environ): """BaseWSGIFilter interface @type environ: {str: str} @rtype: {str: str} """ assert isinstance(environ, dict) self.remote = environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR", self.remote) self.user = environ.get("REMOTE_USER", self.user) self.reqmethod = environ["REQUEST_METHOD"] self.path = environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] + environ["PATH_INFO"] if environ.get("QUERY_STRING"): self.path = "%s?%s" % (self.path, environ["QUERY_STRING"]) self.proto = environ.get("SERVER_PROTOCOL", self.proto) self.referrer = environ.get("HTTP_REFERER", self.referrer) self.useragent = environ.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT", self.useragent) return environ def filter_status(self, status): """BaseWSGIFilter interface @type status: str @rtype: str """ assert isinstance(status, str) self.status = status.split()[0] return status def filter_data(self, data): assert isinstance(data, bytes) self.length += len(data) return data def handle_close(self): """BaseWSGIFilter interface""" line = '%s %s - [%s]' % (self.remote, self.user, self.time) line = '%s "%s %s' % (line, escape_string(self.reqmethod), escape_string(self.path)) if self.proto is not None: line = "%s %s" % (line, self.proto) line = '%s" %s %d' % (line, self.status, self.length) if self.referrer is not None: line = '%s "%s"' % (line, escape_string(self.referrer)) else: line += " -" if self.useragent is not None: line = '%s "%s"' % (line, escape_string(self.useragent)) else: line += " -" self.log.write("%s\n" % line) if self.flush: self.log.flush() __all__.append("TimerWSGIFilter") class TimerWSGIFilter(BaseWSGIFilter): """Replaces a specific string in the data returned from the filtered wsgi application with the time the request took. The string has to be exactly eight bytes long, defaults to C{"?GenTime"} and must be an element of the iterable returned by the filtered application. If the application returns something like C{["spam?GenTime", "?GenTime spam", "?GenTime"]} only the last occurance get's replaced.""" @classmethod def creator(cls, pattern): """Returns a function creating L{TimerWSGIFilter}s with a given pattern beeing a string of exactly eight bytes. @type pattern: bytes """ return lambda:cls(pattern) def __init__(self, pattern=b"?GenTime"): """ @type pattern: str """ BaseWSGIFilter.__init__(self) assert isinstance(pattern, bytes) self.pattern = pattern self.start = time.time() def filter_data(self, data): """BaseWSGIFilter interface @type data: bytes @rtype: bytes """ if data == self.pattern: return b"%8.3g" % (time.time() - self.start) return data __all__.append("EncodeWSGIFilter") class EncodeWSGIFilter(BaseWSGIFilter): """Encodes all body data (no headers) with given charset. @note: This violates the wsgi standard as it requires unicode objects whereas wsgi mandates the use of bytes. """ @classmethod def creator(cls, charset): """Returns a function creating L{EncodeWSGIFilter}s with a given charset. @type charset: str """ return lambda:cls(charset) def __init__(self, charset="utf-8"): """ @type charset: str """ BaseWSGIFilter.__init__(self) self.charset = charset def filter_data(self, data): """BaseWSGIFilter interface @type data: str @rtype: bytes """ return data.encode(self.charset) def filter_header(self, header, value): """BaseWSGIFilter interface @type header: str @type value: str @rtype: (str, str) """ if header.lower() != "content-type": return (header, value) return (header, "%s; charset=%s" % (value, self.charset)) __all__.append("GzipWSGIFilter") class GzipWSGIFilter(BaseWSGIFilter): """Compresses content using gzip.""" @classmethod def creator(cls, flush=True): """ Returns a function creating L{GzipWSGIFilter}s. @type flush: bool @param flush: whether or not the filter should always flush the buffer """ return lambda:cls(flush) def __init__(self, flush=True): """ @type flush: bool @param flush: whether or not the filter should always flush the buffer """ BaseWSGIFilter.__init__(self) self.flush = flush self.compress = False self.sio = None self.gzip = None def filter_environ(self, environ): """BaseWSGIFilter interface @type environ: {str: str} """ assert isinstance(environ, dict) if "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" in environ: acceptenc = environ["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"].split(',') if "gzip" in map(str.strip, acceptenc): self.compress = True self.sio = io.BytesIO() self.gzip = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=self.sio, mode="w") return environ def filter_header(self, headername, headervalue): """ BaseWSGIFilter interface @type headername: str @type headervalue: str @rtype: (str, str) or None """ if self.compress: if headername.lower() == "content-length": return None return (headername, headervalue) def filter_headers(self, headers): """BaseWSGIFilter interface @type headers: [(str, str)] @rtype: [(str, str)] """ assert isinstance(headers, list) if self.compress: headers.append(("Content-encoding", "gzip")) return headers def filter_data(self, data): if not self.compress: return data self.gzip.write(data) if self.flush: self.gzip.flush() data = self.sio.getvalue() self.sio.truncate(0) self.sio.seek(0) return data def append_data(self): if not self.compress: return [] self.gzip.close() data = self.sio.getvalue() return [data] class ReusableWSGIInputFilter(BaseWSGIFilter): """Make C{environ["wsgi.input"]} readable multiple times. Although this is not required by the standard it is sometimes desirable to read C{wsgi.input} multiple times. This filter will therefore replace that variable with a C{BytesIO} instance which provides a C{seek} method. """ @classmethod def creator(cls, maxrequestsize): """ Returns a function creating L{ReusableWSGIInputFilter}s with desired maxrequestsize being set. If there is more data than maxrequestsize is available in C{wsgi.input} the rest will be ignored. (It is up to the adapter to eat this data.) @type maxrequestsize: int @param maxrequestsize: is the maximum number of bytes to store in the C{BytesIO} """ return lambda:cls(maxrequestsize) def __init__(self, maxrequestsize=65536): """ReusableWSGIInputFilters constructor. @type maxrequestsize: int @param maxrequestsize: is the maximum number of bytes to store in the C{BytesIO}, see L{creator} """ BaseWSGIFilter.__init__(self) self.maxrequestsize = maxrequestsize def filter_environ(self, environ): """BaseWSGIFilter interface @type environ: {str: str} """ if isinstance(environ["wsgi.input"], io.BytesIO): return environ # nothing to be done # XXX: is this really a good idea? use with care environ["wsgitools.oldinput"] = environ["wsgi.input"] data = io.BytesIO(environ["wsgi.input"].read(self.maxrequestsize)) environ["wsgi.input"] = data return environ