AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2008-02-28avoid builtin name filter as variable in wsgitools.filtersHelmut Grohne
2008-02-28scgi.forkpool: start_response must accept a third parameterHelmut Grohne
2007-09-20added assertions for not getting unicode stringsHelmut Grohne
2007-09-11fix scgi.asynchronous to work with empty responsesHelmut Grohne
2007-05-09fix too strict assertion in wsgitools.applicationsHelmut Grohne
2007-05-08rearrange nonce checking to comply with RFC2617 in wsgitools.digestHelmut Grohne
2007-05-08replaced nonce handling in wsgitools.digestHelmut Grohne
2007-05-08added setup.pyHelmut Grohne
2007-05-08added support for digest auth (RFC2617)Helmut Grohne
2007-05-01added README and LICENSEHelmut Grohne
2007-04-25some environ fixups in scgi.*Helmut Grohne
2007-04-21added some assertionsHelmut Grohne
2007-04-21removed trailing spacesHelmut Grohne
2007-04-21added REMOTE_USER to RequestLogWSGIFilter loggingHelmut Grohne
2007-04-21fixed NoWriteCallableMiddleware with exc_info !Helmut Grohne
2007-04-20added better support for HEADHelmut Grohne
2007-04-20added wsgitools.adapters for future wsgi versionsHelmut Grohne
2007-04-20fix appen_data invocation in WSGIFilterMiddlewareHelmut Grohne
2007-04-20export GzipWSGIFilter in wsgitools.filtersHelmut Grohne
2007-04-18fixed grave data sending bug in wsgitools.scgiHelmut Grohne
2007-04-17added wsgitools.scgi.forkpoolHelmut Grohne
wsgitools.scgi is now known as wsgitools.scgi.asynchronous
2007-04-16delay sending headers in scgi server when possibleHelmut Grohne
2007-04-16added GzipWSGIFilterHelmut Grohne
2007-04-15added docstringsHelmut Grohne
2007-04-15don't except: when knowing whats thrownHelmut Grohne
2007-04-15longer variable names are a good thing(tm)Helmut Grohne
2007-04-15TracebackMiddleware catches more exceptionsHelmut Grohne
2007-04-15fixed indenting with tabsHelmut Grohne
2007-04-14added TracebackMiddlewareHelmut Grohne
2007-04-14initial treeHelmut Grohne